MORE than 20 individual volunteers and voluntary groups were honoured as the Pride of Coleford.

Mayor of Coleford Cllr Nick Penny presented glass trophies to the 23 winners in this year’s Pride of Coleford awards.

Speaking at the awards ceremony, Cllr Penny said: “This event is my favourite event of the civic year – it is a time when I get to say thank You on behalf of (Coleford Town) Council to you, the members of our community who so freely give of your time to make a difference.”

Three awards went to Five Acres High School: two for charity work and to Lucas for his work as a school ambassador.

As well as a group award to Forest Talk talking newspapers, its secretary Christine Mora was honoured.

The 150 volunteers at Great Oaks Hospice gave more than 30,000 hours last year.

Among the many projects by the Salvation Army was one to provide lunches for 200 children during he summer holidays.

Guide leaders Emma Steel and Lisa Tootle were recognised for their work with Guides and Brownies.

Long distance runner Steven Phelps raised £1,097 for mental health charity TIC+

Nathan Morse has “a unique ability to connect with kids” at Coleford Youth Hub.

More than £14,000 raised by Berry Hill Circuits Group has gone to 43 organisations since 2017. The village’s community orchard was also honoured.

Pat Williams was recognised for her work as secretary to Coleford Community Choir and Albert Weager for his years with the Forest Health Forum.

Army Cadets Jamie Harris and William Grant received the Mayor’s Award for their respectful reading of the name of the fallen at the D-Day commemoration.

Lillie Wildin and Charlie Brown are fund-raising to join a community project in Sri Lanka.

Olivia Hale did a sponsored five-mile walk in aid of Alopecia UK.

Yvonne Wood was recognised for her 10 years at the Forest Foodbank.

Youngsters between eight and 18 are honing their maths as well as learning to play darts at the Forest Junior Darts Academy.

Volunteers at Boadwell FC have expanded the number of youth teams at the club.

Diane Glass, Major Vivienne Prescott and Margaret Brownlie of the Salvation Army.
Diane Glass, Major Vivienne Prescott and Margaret Brownlie of the Salvation Army. (Paul Nicholls)
Yvonne Wood of the Forest Foodbank.
Yvonne Wood of the Forest Foodbank. (Paul Nicholls)
Nathhan Morse is a volunteer with the Coleford Youth hub.
Nathhan Morse is a volunteer with the Coleford Youth hub. (Paul Nicholls)
Lucas Evans volunteers around Five Acres High School and is an ambassador for the school.
Lucas Evans volunteers around Five Acres High School and is an ambassador for the school. (Paul Nicholls)
Lisa Tootel is a leader with Coleford Guides and runs Bream Brownies as well as being a member of the county Duke of Edinburgh Award team.
Lisa Tootel is a leader with Coleford Guides and runs Bream Brownies as well as being a member of the county Duke of Edinburgh Award team. (Paul Nicholls)
Darren McCoy and Michelle Tonge of the Forest of Dean Junior Darts Academy.
Darren McCoy and Michelle Tonge of the Forest of Dean Junior Darts Academy. (Paul Nicholls)
Martyn Gunter and Shirley Albrow of Berry Hill Circuits which proides  health and mental well-being support .
Martyn Gunter and Shirley Albrow of Berry Hill Circuits which proides health and mental well-being support . (Paul Nicholls)
Albert Weager has been chairman of the Forest Health Forum for many years.
Albert Weager has been chairman of the Forest Health Forum for many years. (Paul Nicholls)