When life is tough
I am sure all of us have experienced times in our lives that seem a little tougher and harder to get through. It is at these times I believe we become one of two types of people, we reach out to others telling them what we are going through, or we retreat into silence and try to deal with the tough times alone.
I have to say I am the former, I am not saying though that I tell the whole world my business as I don’t post it all over social media, what I do however is reach out to those who I am closest to as in family and friends to share whatever it is that is going on knowing that they will understand and be there for me as indeed they know I will be there for them when needed too.
It’s a true saying a problem shared is a problem halved for I find once I have disclosed to someone else the situation I get advice that personally I would never have thought of or indeed reassurance that what I am thinking is backed up by their words too.
Life often throws us curved balls and of late I can tell you I have to bend a little further to catch them, however strength can come from those around us in many guises. As I caught those balls, I have had friends who have reached out to me daily through a message or a call, I have had friends who ‘get it’ having been in similar situations and I have friends who have offered much more in the way of physical help when I have needed a lift etc. In fact, so many have been so amazing.
I am not saying that what I have had to juggle lately is worse than what anyone else is having to deal with in regards to the everyday workings of life however the load has seemed lighter due to the family and friendships I have around me.
Life feels brighter for instance when you get home and you find a Cornish Cream Tea on your doorstep or an aromatherapy relaxation set in the post both sent spontaneously by those who want to add a little lightness to the dark, how lucky am I to have friends like these.
Being alone with your problems, your thoughts or your feelings you may think is ok as you may always have dealt with things this way however if this is the case I urge you to try and reach out to others. If you don’t feel able to chat to those closest to you, please reach out to a charity, a on-line forum or a local community group. There are many avenues of help out there and I personally can reassure you that once you have reached out the understanding and care you will receive will make the darkness not seem so foreboding; you will find light and a way through even the darkest situations just by having a conversation and letting others in on how you feel.
Life can be tough; it can be lonely and it can be dark however as sure as spring follows winter the warmth of friendship can turn that season of despair into one of hope. So, pick up the phone today and have a chat, it may be just what the other person needs too.