Having been in born in a rural village in Wales I grew up loving it but in my teens and twenties found it boring and in all honesty suffocating, everyone knew everyone and in my mind that meant every ones business! As a result in 1986 I moved to the city, not just any city but London where the lights shone bright and no one cared who you were or indeed local city, Cardiff may be a better choice, but I was adamant so off like Dick Whittington I went.

This move led me to over the next 24 years making 22 others; I lived in cities (I spent some time in Dublin too), by the sea and back in a country setting; I lived in bedsits, apartments, houses and cottages but as happy as I thought I was I could never settle, until I came home.

Yep in 2011 I moved back to that rural village and I have never been happier. I love my life and indeed everything about it, I have done since the day I returned. I have realised that there really is no place like home and indeed home is where the heart is.

Looking back on all those house moves I can see that actually the best places I lived were in fact set in the country, I just love being out and about surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature however years ago I guess my youth saw it differently.

When getting married two years ago we choose a country setting for our wedding and I loved it so much I have decided to hold our retreat there this summer. The venue is literally surrounded by the lush Monmouthshire countryside we live in which can do nothing but create relaxation and calm, for more details check the events page on my website.

So, what is your preference? Does your home now reflect your childhood? Maybe you still live in the childhood home or community. If not do you ever go ‘home’ and wonder why you ever left? For years I spent time searching for something that was only to be found where I started, in fairness my travel around different homes bought me great joy and many, many friends who I am still so blessed to have in my life, yet I do often wonder, ‘what if I never left’?

I know I am not the only person who left my home village only to come back, in fact I often get chatting to many who say after years of wanderlust from home it has truly been the only place where the heart has remained.

Today I am grateful for the community I live in, there is so much care for each other and I for one know that village life is definitely for me, that combined with the sight of wild flowers showing us spring is around the corner show's me every day that you can take the girl away from home but you can never take home away from the girl (in my case anyway).