A meeting of the Llantilio WI was recently held at Llanvapley pavilion when it was decided to enter a team in the WI County Quiz on Friday 21st March at Usk.

Members were advised of the GFWI Talent Show to take place on 11th October 2025. Suggestions for our entry were requested by May.

The Gwent Federation of WI Annual General Meeting details were given out as were details for county Skittles and the Royal Welsh Show Competitions Day.

On Friday 13th June the county federation will be holding a Literary Cream Tea with author Justine Pullan giving a talk.

Members were invited to write no more than 500 words entitled “Murder in the Afternoon” - a piece of prose or poetry.

The V E Celebrations in Llanvapley will take place on 11th May from 11.00 am – 4 p.m. The President detailed what the day would offer and how our WI would be involved. Cakes will be needed, hamper donations, face painting, fancy dress etc and members were asked to be involved on the day. The pavilion officials are erecting a flagpole and W I have been asked if they would like to raise their own flag on meeting days. Members will look at buying/making a flag.

Open to all at Llanvapley Pavilion will be an Energy Saving Presentation, for warmth, money and environmental savings.

This will take place at 7pm Thursday 13th March and has been jointly organised with the Llanvapley Sports and Social Association hall committee.

Lin (President) warmly welcomed their speaker, Sergeant Lana Rees Williams from Gwent Police who gave a highly informative presentation on “How to avoid being Scammed”. She reminded members of the various ways criminals can gain access to personal information, how they use it to often alarm their victims into making a rash decision and urged everyone to take a moment, think and if necessary put the phone down or not click on the e mail link. A genuine phone caller will not mind if you say, “Can I call you back in a little while?” only a scammer will insist you stay on the phone and listen to instructions. E mail links often allow a scammer to access information on your computer.

Several members recounted experiences of scam e mails and phone calls and how important it is to be vigilant.

Everyone appreciated the sound advice given by Sergeant Rees Williams who after being thanked by everyone, joined members in enjoying the refreshments.

Lana pictured below gave them some very useful tips and real life examples (which she had worked on professionally) on scams and protecting yourself online, tips on how to create strong passwords and what to look out for to avoid ourselves becoming victims of cyber criminals. There were some good questions from the members who all showed lots of eagerness to learn.

Their next meeting will take place on Wednesday 12th March at Llanvapley pavilion at 7pm. The speaker will be local author Rhiannon Lewis.

Further information available from Lin on 07840641856