LOCAL businesses and community members have donated various prizes in fundraising efforts for the Cas Gwent Ward of Chepstow Community Hospital.

The businesses, local community, volunteers and NHS staff have come together hoping to raise the funds to improve a patient’s stay in the hospital, with things like new televisions and activity equipment.

One of the fundraising efforts is a quiz, which is set to take place April 15 at Burnt Barn, Bulwark starting at 8pm. There is an impressive £250 prize money which was donated by Magor’s Lougher Home Care.

Director of Lougher Home Care, Sadie Lougher said: “We are delighted to support Chepstow Community Hospital’s fundraising efforts with a £250 donation towards their quiz night, helping to raise money for televisions for patients. We understand the importance of comfort and emotional well-being during hospital stays, and we hope this contribution helps make the event a great success.

“We sincerely appreciate the incredible work of the hospital staff and hope this donation is put to great use in enhancing the patient experience.”

Another way organisers are looking to raise funds is through an Easter raffle. The tickets are £1 each and available at Chepstow Community Hospital’s reception area. Businesses donated prizes for the raffle including tickets for Chepstow Racecourse, St. Pierre Golf Course, Go Karting, Escape Rooms, Cardiff Castle, and family swimming at Cardiff Waterslide Pool.

As donations are still coming in, organisers said they will announce a full thank you list of donors at a later date.

There are a small number of tables left for the quiz night, which is when the raffle is set to be drawn. If you would like to help, donate, enter the quiz, or want further information, you can contact Karen Gandy via email on [email protected]

Raffle prize chepstow
Raffle tickets are still available with great prizes on offer (Supplied)