
Thanks to the organisers of last Friday's launch of

Listening to Patrick Holden, Director of the Soil

Association, was both inspiring and sobering. From what

he said there is a real and urgent need to address our

dependence on diminishing supplies of fossil fuels and

look to how we may become more self sufficient.

He talked of the need for our food to be sourced

locally by creating close partnerships between customers

and farmers which I found of particular interest as

manager of the Monmouth Farmers' Market.

Farmers' Markets have been around in

Monmouthshire for the last 10 years and have enjoyed

considerable success. They are, however, somewhat

limited in supplying a town like Monmouth with local


Producers have only a limited amount of time they

can spend at markets which are too occasional for daily

needs. Farmers' Markets in Wales runs the market at

Monmouth and is proposing to create a Local Food Forum

in Monmouth that will bring together producers and

customers with the aim of raising awareness about, and

finding practical solutions for obtaining, local food on a

regular basis.

If any of your readers are interested in joining the

forum or wish for further information they may contact

Farmers' Markets in Wales (Tel 0845 610 6496, email

Stephen Shearman

(Farmers Markets)