As many people prepared to board trains and ferries headed for warmer climes, new research from Prima, the car insurance provider, reveals that almost half of Brits (48%) who have driven abroad in the last 12 months admit to having made mistakes. While it is a slight drop from the 53% of the previous year, it shows that more needs to be done to promote safer driving overseas.

 Nearly a fifth (19%) admit to exceeding the speed limit. Some 12% admit to driving before getting comfortable with local road signs, rules and customs. And almost one million confess to accidentally driving on the wrong side of the road.

 More Brits are choosing to drive instead of fly

 Driving abroad is becoming increasingly common as air fares rise. In fact, an estimate based on the survey sample shows that a quarter of Brits plan to drive abroad this summer and they should save at least £846 million in flight costs. When asked other reasons why they are choosing to drive, 53% say flexibility, 43% say convenience and 43% say the ability to explore off the beaten path.

    Over a fifth of young people (22%) plan to rely on cars to travel overseas within the next 12 months. This is nearly double the percentage of those aged 55 and older. Many are confused and anxious about overseas driving

 While three quarters of Brits feel excited about driving to explore somewhere new, many still have concerns. Over a third (38%) are worried that they will not understand the different road signs and rules, which is more than double last year’s figure of 17%. And over a quarter (28%) believe that the stress of driving abroad means they will not enjoy their holiday at all.

 What’s more, a third of Brits fear that they do not have the right car insurance. When asked what kind of car insurance they rely on to drive overseas, 42% say their UK comprehensive policy. 15% say they take out specific country cover.

 “For your safety and that of other road users, always familiarise yourself with local traffic laws before driving overseas,” says Nick Ielpo, Prima’s UK Country Manager. “Understanding local road rules can help to take away some of the anxiety about driving in a foreign country.

 “Before your trip, you should also double check the cover provided by your current UK car insurance policy. Make sure that you’re covered to drive in the specific country you’re visiting, to avoid any nasty shock if you do have an accident. At Prima, our drivers have fully comprehensive insurance to drive abroad in or between any EU countries for up to 90 days.”