Thank you from Carnival Committee

Monmouth Carnival Voluntary Group was completely gob-smacked by the brilliant turn out last Sunday. 

The sound of rising excitement on the cobbles of Agincourt Square as people gathered and registered for the parade, is something to remember. The chatter turned to a din of giggles and shouts and then when the drums of the Batala Band and hoots and horns of the The Ambling Brass Band joined them, we were joyfully deafened.

The amazing groups of toddlers,pupils and crazily-dressed adults were herded into line behind the fire engine and the Mayoral party, then 'Go Wild',they did! Every manner of Rainforest creature and plant, elephants, turtles, tigers and birds, followed by horse drawn cowgirls with wagons and a whole jail.

There were far too many creations to list, all swayed and pranced down Monnow Street, revelling in the freedom of reclaiming the street from its traffic and jams.The tide of colour and noise curved left along Blestium Street and then guided by Rotary marshalls and Community Police,allowed to flow out over Chippenham Green.

Prizes, (thank you Judge Nikki) bubbles, BMX stunts,climbing wall, FunFair, and face painting, Birds of Prey, Disco music and Male Voice Choir, exhibitions, stalls, food and free lemonade, kept the crowds happy till late afternoon.

The excitement had been mounting during the previous weeks.The Schools' Competition had engaged almost every class from Reception to Year 9 of every school.The incredibly high standard of entries were extremely hard to judge as the exhibition of prize winners proved.

Thank you judges, children and staff. Thank you to all the shop staff who spent hours decorating and dressing up for the Traders Competition.

All these people need to be thanked for helping to make the day: parents,pupils and teachers from all our schools for their time and creativity, the Gym Club, Rainbows and Brownies, Busy Bees and every single person who helped swell the fantastic scene.

Thank you to all the Community groups,including Bridges,Community Fridge, Library of Things/Benthyg, who joined the Celebrating Monmouth section.

Thank You too to Monmouth Fire Service for leading the parade and staying to supervise children exploring the vehicles while learning more about your work.

Ty Price lent their space to host the Bands and their instruments.Apart from our Monmouth Town Council which funded most of the event.

Kind sponsors include Paul Jarrold, Playwood, Borderlands Outdoor, Handyman House and John Moylett. Tim loaned and moved a mass of chairs, sorted the loos and various gazebos, Monmouth Rotary marshalls kept everyone safe and the Litter Group cleared up after us. (But thank you to everyone who carefully put their rubbish in the right recycling bin!)

Sincere apologies to those we have inevitably missed,but we hope everyone's spirits were lifted as ours were and you felt the pride in our town that we did.Thank you.

Ann, Laura, Martin, Ceri, Emma, Terry and Anthea

Monmouth Carnival Voluntary Group