The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board are currently working on a Digital Patient Communications project, whereby some of their services who send appointment letters in the post, will start sending their appointment letters digitally to patient’s smartphones later this year.

Patients will receive a text message with a link to their digital letter via a Patient Portal. The process to access the letters is simple and will be shown to all patients when they log into the Patient Portal.

There are many benefits for patients to receive their letters digitally, including: Receiving your letter the day after it's generated — no waiting for mail; Options to have the letter read aloud, increase font size, or translated;Easily cancel or rebook your appointment without the need to call the booking teams; Add appointment details directly to your smartphone calendar.

Due to these benefits, they expect most patients will prefer digital letters. Initially, not all services will send digital letters, but they plan to expand this to all services.

 In the planning phases to deliver this project they are keen to engage with as many patients as possible.

Would you be willing to volunteer your time to help drive the way in which they deliver digital appointment letters to patients within our Health Board area? For more information or to register your interest, please contact [email protected]