MONMOUTH’S multi-award winning Mayhem Youth Theatre Group will provide a world of Pure Imagination when they bring Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Haberdashers’ Monmouth’s St Catherine's Hall for a pre half-term treat.
The musical, which features the The Candyman made famous by Sammy Davis Junior, opened at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, in 2013 and broke box office records for weekly ticket sales.

Based on the best-selling children's novel by Cardiff-born Roald Dahl, it takes a more modern approach to the well-known characters, while keeping the same ghoulish humour so beloved by fans.
Mayhem's artistic director and stage producer Andrew Griffiths is proud to present the popular musical to local audiences, and says: “This is a magical show and we’re throwing everything at it to bring you a theatrical performance of the highest quality.
“With a professional stage set, professional costumes and a live band, this updated version should be one of the best.
“The cast of youngsters, including members who have sung solo roles in the Welsh National Opera, work massively hard and give up a lot of free time to hone their performance skills and entertain you.
“They hope you’ll support them by coming to see the show and see what talent the town has to offer.
“Who knows, maybe you'll spot a West End star of the future!
“Featuring popular characters like the mysterious Willy Wonka, humble Charlie Bucket , eccentric Grandpa Joe, greedy Augustus Gloop, spoilt Veruca Salt and out-of-control computer hack Mike Teevee, you won't be disappointed.”
Not forgetting he Oompa Loompas of course, who have travelled from darkest Loompaland.
Mayhem’s Junior group perform Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the former Monmouth School for Girls’ theatre on Friday (7pm) and Saturday (2.30pm/7pm), February 21-22.
Tickets from Handyman House, on the door and online at Ticketsource are £12 adults , £10 over 65s and £5 U18s .
Mayhem's Senior group will be performing Grease from October 23-25.