On Friday 17th May 2024 the Waldbronn Twinning Association collected from Birmingham Airport twenty visitors from Monmouth’s Twin Town Waldbronn in Germany, arriving home at Monmouth around 8.30pm.  

The members hosted various friends in members' homes, some of whom had not been to Monmouth before. 

On a sunny Saturday morning they all met at the Shire Hall where the then Mayor, Tom Kirton and Deputy Mayor David Evans performed one of their final duties in office for this year.  

They welcomed the party in the Mayor's Parlour and the group were very pleased to have the Burgermeister Christian Stalf visiting for the first time and he presented Tom with a gift of a book from Waldbronn.  

They all then enjoyed looking around the Shire Hall and the Court Room where the German guests took turns in donning the garments and sitting on the Judges Chair, it was great fun and many a photo opportunity was had.

Sunday was a free day with hosts and they were once again blessed with glorious sunshine.  One of our guests renewed their acquaintance with friends from thirty years ago when the schools were active in the exchanges.  Some went to Goytre Wharf, others took trips down the Wye Valley and the Forest of Dean.

On Monday, yet another super sunny day dawned and they all went on a trip to Rest Bay, Porthcawl.  One of the visitors even braved a dip and walked out of the sea looking like Ursula Andres in the James Bond movie.  None of the hosts were brave enough for that!  This was a very special treat for the German's as a day at the seaside would mean a 1,200 mile round trip for them.

Another sunny start on Tuesday and some of the visitors took a trip to Hereford by public transport.  While they were there they visited the Cathedral and did some last minute shopping.  On the final evening they all met at The Royal Oak for a buffet and were entertained by the Forest of Dean Morris Dancers.  This was unfortunately cut short by heavy showers.  However, inside they were treated by Monmouth's very own Celtic Collectors, singing Irish and Scottish folk songs, surprisingly enough the German guests knew most of the words to some of the songs and joined in enthusiastically.  

They were also given an impromptu performance by a few of the Morris Dancers with a couple of jaunty folk songs, which completed a brilliant last night.  Both chairman of the Twinning Associations gave speeches thanking each other for their friendship, this was very ably translated for everyone by Cath Griffiths.

They awoke to a very rainy Wednesday and the Waldbronn Twinning Association bid their guests auf wiedersehen as they got onto the coach for their return journey home.  A provisional date for the return visit to Germany has already been arranged for Thursday June 5th to Tuesday June 10th.

If anyone would like to join our Association please ring 01594 563354 for more information.

Monmouth has been twinned with Waldbronn  in the Baden-Württemberg, region of Germany since 1986.

Monmouth Twinning members enjoy German culture and the opportunity to learn more about how our friends across the channel live.

Many of them speak no German and that’s not a barrier to enjoying the opportunities that Town Twinning brings!

Monmouth residents have enjoyed regular ‘exchange visits’, linking with friends in our German Twin Town, Waldbronn, for 37 years.

Membership is open to residents of Monmouth and its surrounding area – families, singles, couples, members of sports or cultural groups.