THERE will be more roadwork delays for Monmouth residents, after signs appeared saying the Hereford Road between the Royal Oak pub and Highfield Road will be closed for five days from Tuesday, May 28.

That would mean drivers going to and from the town centre having to take six to eight-mile detours via Llangrove and Whitchurch, or Tregate to Osbaston.

However it appears that the closure for water works is actually in the cul-de-sac Oak Road, with temporary traffic lights operating on Hereford Road itself.

It comes as the town high street and St Mary’s Street are still closed for the ongoing water upgrade – prompting business claims that it is killing trade by up to 80 per cent – and Monmouthshire Council's seemingly never-ending pavement widening 'active travel' scheme outside Drybridge House, which still has temporary traffic lights.

The eastbound A40 is still also single lane between Dixton roundabout and Ganarew owing to the February landslip, causing traffic chaos recently when cars collided on it.