Monmouth Carnival brought colour and music to Monnow Street on Sunday as the colourful parade of entries, heralded by the Batala Bristol was led by Monmouth Fire Service who traditionally lead the way.

Batala Bristol drummers
(Des Pugh)

This year’s carnival theme was ‘Go Wild’ and had a bumper set of entries that assembled in Agincourt Square before heading down the street with Monmouth’s Mayor, Cllr David Evans and Macebearers Caroline Bright and John Moylett heading the procession towards Chippenham fields for an afternoon of entertainment and spectacle which included a display by Monmouth Gym Club and a drumming display by Batala Bristol. Prizes were awarded for the carnival entries.

It's them again winning the Vehicle's category with 'Wild West'
It's them again winning the Vehicle's category with 'Wild West' (Des Pugh)

This year saw an exciting display by BMX bikes, followed by the Ambling music band, a falconry display, musical entertainment by the now world-famous Monmouth Male Voice Choir, a second BMX display for those who missed it first time around and the event finished off with the Sunshine Disco.

Storm Troopers bring a New Hope to the Carnival parade
Storm Troopers bring a New Hope to the Carnival parade (Des Pugh)

The small groups and individuals was won by Toby Watson, dressed as a tortoise with The Macaws’, Alex and Layla coming second.

Mayor of Monmouth hands first prize to Toby Watson
Mayor of Monmouth hands first prize to Toby Watson (Des Pugh)

Vehicles was won by the ‘Wild West’ which included members of the Layne family, carnival regulars with HMS Beagle coming second.

Large groups saw Wyesham’s Busy Bees come second with their Fred Flintstone inspired entry and Osbaston School’s ‘Save the rainforests’ taking top spot.

Busy Bees go the extra mile for their entry
Busy Bees go the extra mile for their entry (Des Pugh)

First place in each category won £200, second place in each category took home £100 The Savoy Theatre group joined in the fun to promote their next production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

Savoy Youth Theatre with a spot of promotion
Savoy Youth Theatre with a spot of promotion (Des Pugh)

The day before, shops and businesses set the pre-carnival mood and dressed their windows and themselves!

Carnival regulars and no, that's not a real snake
Carnival regulars, the Warmington-Gardner family and no, that's not a real snake (Des Pugh)

The Best Dressed staff was won by Monmouthshire Building Society, the best dressed window was won by the Bloom Room and the best dressed premises was won by the Monnow Bridge Fish and Chip shop.

Winners of the Best Dressed Premises for the pre-carnival day
Winners of the best dressed premises (Monnow Bridge Fish and Chips)