Recently I commented on a post on social media that was discussing school subjects and was asking the question is it time for change? On talking to several parents with teenage children since it does seem that there are changes in the curriculum however are these changes really enough?

When we look back on our school years, admittedly mine were a while ago, there were no life skills taught, I guess you could say maths and english are life skills however I personally have never come across a case to use algebra or square roots in my life since school and today computers auto correct grammar long with punctuation so my school knowledge of English is also almost redundant.

I guess as I no longer have school age children things may have changed to reflect the use of technology in today’s world however I do still think there is a need to re-jig or amend the school curriculum to utilise the skills young people need to take them forward into the complex world of adulthood.

When I chat about this to others there is a consensus that maybe whilst it is a good plan to leave the old subjects in place such as geography, history, art RE etc. for those who want to do them maybe subjects that should be made mandatory are those life skills that will provide a strong base for healthy, happy and aware adults.

Maybe instead of just teaching them on I-Pads and utilising technology they should learn that time away from the screens are good too; maybe change art to creative skills that will help young people express themselves from within; could maths be more useful if while keeping the basics have additional benefits by teaching them about financial well-being and how by managing their money wisely it will serve them well therefore maybe helping them to keep debt at bay whilst savings increase.

I have worked for a while with a mental health charity whereby we go into schools to deliver modules around resilience, making decisions for the future, stress, life / work balance, surely these should be on the curriculum and are not just nice to have for those schools who wish to take them up (contact me if you are teacher and would like to get these free resources into your school).

Lastly, I am unsure of whether nutrition and fitness classes have replaced Home Economics’ and PE maybe they have but if not, aren’t these things that will again carry young adults through with more benefits that are certainly needed in today’s world.

I could be wrong on all the above as I say I am no longer party to the school timetables nor subject decisions that young adults need to take and indeed I hope I am for the world around us has changed so much so surely the school curriculum needs to reflect that.

As they say ‘life is the only place where experience comes before the lesson’ and how true is that, however we can help our young people with skills to help them through those experiences then maybe they wouldn’t find them so tough.

So, if your young children and adults are in a forward thinking school then I applaud them if not maybe it’s time we start to challenge the powers that be to move forward in the way we are all having to do and change what was for what is needed to embrace a happy, healthy adulthood.