Over the next six months, both the Labour Governments in Cardiff Bay and Westminster will be putting forward their respective budgets.


Sadly, it is clear that the groundwork for disappointment has already been laid with the Chancellor’s false claims of inheriting the worst economy since the Second World War.


This is despite the fact that the United Kingdom had the fastest growing economy in the G7.


So far, we have already seen money being prioritised from supporting pensioners heating bills to be redirected to Labour’s union backers, and I’m afraid there will be more of that to come.


The Labour party has claimed to be the party of change but it is clear that in Wales we will just get more of the same.


Higher NHS waiting lists, poor educational outcomes and low pay-packets.


Looking closer to home, it is clear that the priorities of the Labour Government here in Wales has failed to deliver on many priorities that the people of Wales have.


With one in five people in Wales on an NHS waiting list, less generous childcare support and higher business rates for small businesses than in England, it is clear that Labour needs to redirect their priorities.


I believe that the Welsh Government should be working to address the real concerns that the people of Wales have, not redirect funding to pet projects and ever increasing financial black holes like Cardiff Airport.


It is clear that the Labour Government in Cardiff Bay are missing the mark.


As the Shadow Minister for Finance and Local Government, it is my job to hold the Welsh Government to account on its spending.


In order for me to do so, I want to hear from you.


I am currently running a survey on my website, where you can respond so I can hear what areas you want prioritised.


I have already heard from many of my constituents about the social care crisis that many are facing here in Wales, and how much more work needs to be done to address our NHS here in Wales.


If you want to fill out a survey and let me know what you think, please visit my website at www.peterfox.uk/campaigns/have-your-say.


Alternatively, you can write to me regarding your priorities and what areas of public spending the Welsh Government should prioritise.