This last week has shown some of the worst but also some of the best of our country. 


I want to offer my deepest condolences to the families of the little girls who have lost their lives in the horrific attack in Southport and my thoughts also go to all those injured and affected by that tragic event.


My heart goes out to the little girl's families, as a father and grandfather, I simply cannot begin to comprehend the pain that they and their communities are going through. 


It is an utter tragedy that these girls were taken in the most brutal way in an area where they should have been safe. 


The monster responsible should face the most severe punishment that law can impose.  


During this period of horror, we learnt of brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect others. These people are real heroes who embody the best of our country, and we pay tribute to them.


Sadly though, this horrific event has been taken and used for sick political gain by hateful factions.


Over the last few days, we have seen violence on our streets that cannot be justified and should not be tolerated.


We have seen thugs intimidating families, violence being taken against our brave police force and the needless destruction and looting of businesses run by innocent people. 


This is not what our country is about. Not now and not ever. 


These thugs have hijacked the grief of the families and communities of Southport and taken that wanton behaviour to communities across the UK. Those responsible for this needless violence must face the full force of the law. 


Misinformation has wilfully been spread via social media which has been used by many to justify the violence and racial discrimination we have seen. 


As leaders, it is of paramount importance that we are united in our condemnation of any violence or thuggery on our streets. 


I sincerely hope that the Prime Minister can unite our communities and bring order back to them.