Our Senior Officer for Education gave his annual report at last week’s county council meeting. It showed many successes in our fantastic schools and I give heartfelt thanks to all our staff - headteachers, teachers and support staff in whatever roles they have. As for the most important people, the children, I am thrilled when I go into a school to see you working hard, enjoying learning and growing up quickly as responsible young citizens.

The pandemic was an awful time and it might take more years for the full impact to be appreciated. We can still see effects in schools. The vast majority of children have shown the resilience to have bounced back, but the chief officer’s report showed the tremendous efforts being made to help those who still struggle.

While Primary attendance figures have returned to pre-pandemic levels, Secondary school absence remains much higher. We are also seeing a rise in the numbers of exclusions, often because behaviour is badly affecting the learning of others. The skills of friendship and living positively with others are having to be rebuilt for a small number.

We have responded in a variety of ways to help and support, so when this summer’s exam results are published, we hope our young people will have done as well, if not better, than they did last summer. In some areas our results are the best in Wales, and it was particularly pleasing good to see the improvement in results among our most vulnerable and financially challenged families. It is my ambition to see every child able to fulfil their potential, whatever that might be.

As we start the summer holidays let me thank parents for entrusting your children to us to educate. To our children I say, well done, enjoy your holiday and come back in September ready to make your families and others even more proud of you than we already are.