Since my last column, the festive period has been and gone in a dash. I hope all Chronicle readers had a great Christmas and New Year.
One of the most recent political stories that will have impacted Monmouthshire households is the Labour Westminster Government’s decision not to compensate 1950s-born women for lost pension income. For years, while in opposition, Labour said they would reimburse women for the pensions they were denied by the Tories following their abrupt retirement equalisation policy.
A long line of Labour MPs marched with campaigners and posed for pictures holding placards saying that they were committed to doing the right thing for millions of women facing a retirement with less money than they were promised. When Labour finally got the opportunity to do the right thing after winning the last General Election, they backtracked.
To say this is a disappointment for women across Monmouthshire – especially after a Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman recommended compensation for affected women - would be a huge understatement. In many ways, Labour have proven themselves to be no different to the Tories when they get into power.
From a wider perspective, it is also damaging for politics when you get such a glaring example of such hypocrisy. When trust in politicians is at such a low, it is the last thing that is needed. This is why I am such a strong proponent of going out into communities and talking to people face-to-face so you can counter some of the ill-feeling that exists when it comes to politics and put across the alternative vision that Plaid Cymru has. One thing is certain, Plaid Cymru will not turn its back on the campaign for pensions justice for the many women who have been cheated out of the retirement they planned for in good faith.
On a brighter note, we have seen news that the Heads of the Valley road will finally be completed this year after decades of work. Whilst there remain questions marks over spiralling costs and project management, I am relieved that people in Monmouthshire and beyond can finally look forward to the removal of roadworks on this key route for travelling east and west. Good transport links are vital for economic development and investment so hopefully we will see more of this across the Heads of the Valley area soon.