As we approach the festive season it is so important to remember that being alone doesn’t always represent lonely and being in a crowd isn’t always the answer to that feeling of loneliness.

I know from my own experience that at times being on my own, in my own space and home meant I could just sit quietly reflecting, reading a book or watching a movie, my mum called it ‘me having Beverley time’, it was at these times I would enjoy being quiet with just me, myself, I for company, cooking myself a nice three course meal and just spending time exactly doing what I wanted.

However, when I went through my burnout experience, I hated being alone with only my thoughts for company and I can assure you the Christmas / New Year season made this worse, I hated it. At that time however I often felt my loneliest in a crowd of people at an event, on a train or indeed anywhere where I had company. This was proof to me that loneliness isn’t just for those that are alone.

If we are stuck in our own thoughts, if we are fearful of what is going on in our life, if we feel there is no hope then loneliness is very real, but to shine a light trust me it doesn’t have to be this way. It will of course take courage to reach out, to share with others how you are feeling but if you do it in small steps the feelings of loneliness can be replaced with comfort and a feeling of security that you are in no way alone.

If indeed you find yourself alone this Christmas in the physical sense and loneliness is something you have come to dread again, please reach out to others.

Nationally, which ever camp above you find yourself in there are so many organisations all who are there to help, they have websites and phone numbers so all are easy to access, if you are struggling to make that call then reach out to someone close and ask them to help you, there is indeed someone out there for each of us to talk to we just need to pick up the phone (a lot of the lines offer free calls too).

As a guide here are a few; Campaign to End Loneliness; The Calm Zone; Support Line; Age Cymru and of course as mentioned the Samaritans (Tel 116 123)

So, this Christmas whether you are on your own or in a crowd if loneliness is your companion, then just take that one step to pick up the phone, it may be hard, but it will be worth it.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all readers for taking the time to read my columns and I wish you a Happy Christmas and a 2023 filled with joy, peace, good health and happiness.

©Beverley Jones

Author of Made it Thru the Rain