There is no place for racism in Monmouthshire. As I mentioned in my maiden speech, tackling inequality is one of my top priorities–we must stand together against racism and discrimination in all forms. In the face of recent riots across parts of England and Northern Ireland, I'm pleased to see a mostly peaceful environment in Wales, including people coming together to stand against racism across our country and in Abergavenny recently. However, we must not be complacent. I'm glad the First Minister, Eluned Morgan MS, has remained in close contact with police and community leaders in Wales. Anyone who stokes violence, online or in-person, can face jail time, and criminals are now facing the full force of the law. I have reached out to the Monmouthshire Muslim Community Association and other faith organisations to offer my support and collaboration in promoting understanding and equality in our welcoming county. 

  I'm incredibly proud to join the NFU's Farming Fellowship Scheme. I look forward to championing our incredible farmers and growers, who are essential to our communities and our economy, which is another of my top priorities. Farmers do a brilliant job providing high-quality food and caring for our much-loved countryside. I'm eager to delve into the issues impacting our food and farming sectors and advocate for food security and the investment and growth required for the future of farming.    Many of you have campaigned for a new accessible bridge at Abergavenny Train Station. Whilst I strongly welcome the move to make our stations more accessible, I share your concern over the timing of the work, which falls on the weekend of the Abergavenny Food Festival. The festival plays a massive role in our local economy, and the closure of the station would be a real problem for the festival. Therefore, I have written to the CEO of Transport for Wales (TFW), James Price, to ask TFW to think again and move the final weekend of work to the following weekend.   Thank you for your patience as I set up my office. I'm currently in the process of hiring a team to assist with your inquiries. If you're interested in applying for positions in my office, job ads for a senior caseworker and caseworker are currently on  I will continue to hold regular surgeries right across Monmouthshire, so please do not hesitate to get in touch to register your interest at [email protected]