Life is simple, humans make it difficult, since my hubby has taught me this, I have realised it is the easiest way to make life less stressful. Two weeks ago, on July 12th it was National Simplicity Day and it got me thinking that if everyone could just step into simplicity how much easier life would become.

Over the years since I have simplified my life I have watched others as they over complicate theirs; I have watched as they have continued to add extra to their plate until it comes so full it drops; I have witnessed them as they worry about things that haven’t happened yet (a trait I used to have and indeed as humans I believe a burden carried by many) and I have listened as some have spilled out everything that indeed is making their life difficult.

When we start our life journey, we literally start with nothing, no worries, no cares, no negative nor indeed positive thoughts, it is only as we grow these things get added to our rich tapestry of life and so it is important to remember that along our path the one thing we have is choice. We can choose to allow the worries or negative thoughts be paramount or forefront of our minds or we can choose to override them with positive thoughts and feelings alongside simple actions which while may not cure what ever it is we are worrying about may make it easier to deal with.

How often in life have you worried about something that actually as life has turned out has never happened or if it has it isn’t as big a problem as you first believed? How often have you allowed other people’s thoughts around something become your own? How often have you decided to think the worst instead of looking for the positives? I am sure I am not alone when I admit that during my life, I have indeed adopted all of these.

I can assure you I know how difficult it is to make different choices and to simplify life however,r taking small steps daily will be worth it. The first thing to do is always to stop, step back and evaluate, what right now is causing you stress? How are you currently dealing with it? Once you do this, look for ways you can uncomplicate the situation, write things down, talk to others, seek help and advice and know however you may feel you are never alone.

Over the years trust me sometimes I trip and catch my footing before I turn things around again that by stopping and identifying where I am. It is then by taking things slowly, stripping things back and re-evaluating what is happening I can indeed worry less therefore simplifying my life. Think about it like the bark of tree, it is rough, it’s tough and it is designed to withstand the outer elements but if you strip it back beneath lies a simple, smooth inner layer that supports the inner trunk of the tree to allow it to stand tall and strong, to face adversity and deal with the elements that each day brings.

So, to celebrate National Simplicity Day (a little later than diarised) be that tree, stand tall but tap into the inner simple life that in turn will support you as you deal with the situations you have to face.