A WYE Valley woman has been banned from driving for three years after being found being the wheel four times over the legal drink drive limit.

Herefordshire Magistrates' Court heard that Lilita Hince, 56 of Frome Valley Way, Ross-on-Wye was stopped driving a Renault car on Walford Road on July 30, and that when breathalysed she registered 159 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, vastly over the prescribed alcohol limit of 35.

The magistrates sentenced Hince to an 18-month community order which includes 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and an alcohol treatment order with Turning Point for six months.

The justices also fined Hince £50 and ordered her to pay a mandatory surcharge of £114 and court costs of £85.

They also banned Hince from driving for three years but offered her a chance to reduce this by going on a specialist drink awareness course.