Smiths Auctions in Newent have just uploaded the catalogue for their forthcoming sale on February 13-14. The sale includes a wide variety of antiques such as ceramics, glass, silver, jewellery, watches, gold, books, furniture, pictures and collectables.
The sale also includes a specialist section for Medals and Militaria which is a very popular market at present. Medals include a WWI Royal Engineer’s Military Medal Group estimated at £200/£400 as well as an OBE Naval group and various other WWI, WWII and Victorian medals. Other military collectables include swords, bayonets, uniforms, badges and ephemera (which are paper collectables such as log books and photographs0. One such example is a fascinating 1919 diary belonging to a WWI soldier which notes down the Peace Treaty Agreement on the 23rd of June and subsequent signing on the 28th of June.
Notable items in an extensive collectables section include an antique Black Forest carved group of a bear and her cub climbing a log as well as several unusual cigarette lighters - one in the form of a Jaguar Sports car, complete with its original box. A Victorian large and impressive brass urn features paw feet and huge scrolling handles, which make its wide proportions quite intriguing.

Estimated at £60 to £100 it is sure to make an eye catching feature in the right location. In the toy section a large collection of Britains lead soldiers are probably a bit uncomfortable sharing the shelf alongside a selection of Star Wars figures and spaceships!

The furniture section includes two Victorian high back tavern settles originally from the Black Dog Inn in Newent – estimated at £200/£400 each they could well be returned to a pub setting or even make a statement piece in a large home.

Other rustic and country furniture on offer includes a 17th century panelled low dresser, a Victorian pine farmhouse table, a set of eight rush seated ladder back chairs, blanket boxes, useful bookcases and a pine chest of drawers. Traditional antique furniture is also well represented with a fine Georgian secretaire bookcase offered with an estimate of just £200/£400, a Georgian mahogany linen press, various desks and side tables, an impressive Regency settee in need of re-upholstery and two Victorian finely carved and newly upholstered armchairs in excellent condition – all ready to go.

The silver section is very well represented and includes a fabulous range of silver collectables and larger pieces at a fraction of the price you would have to pay on the high street.

A decorative late Georgian four piece tea service by George Angell is estimated at £1,000/£1,500 whilst smaller collectable or giftable items include photograph frames, christening mugs, cruet sets, serving cutlery, decorative boxes and scent bottles. A pair of rare Georgian silver mounted and cut glass scent bottles inset with patch boxes within the body of bottle should prove very popular with collectors and are estimated at £200/£400 each.
The jewellery section covers an eclectic range of antique, modern and costume jewellery with many of the more expensive pieces being held back for the specialist sale in March. A pretty Victorian garnet and pearl mourning ring is expected to make £200/£300 whilst an Art Nouveau silver and enamel pendant by James Fenton is sure to leave it’s modest £80/£120 estimate far behind. Other popular silver jewellery includes a Georg Jensen heart form brooch and a Victorian silver and enamel ‘Forget Me Not’ brooch (both perfect for Valentine’s Day). A striking David Andersen phoenix brooch is also bound to ‘fire’ the imagination of his fans and is estimated at £100/£150.

The paintings section includes a very appealing naive oil of the Speech House in the Forest of Dean by George Willis Pryce as well as a pair of Wye Valley oils by the same artist. Of local history interest they could easily set off a few bidding feuds between the locals! By contrast a very decorative century circular oil on panel of angels in the style of 15th century Italian artist Fra Angelico is actually by the late 19th century painter Della Pittore. It is easy to see how his paintings must have appealed to ladies and gentlemen on their grand tour of Europe and it is still a very attractive image today.

The sale also features a very large selection of ceramics and glass including a good collection of large Moorcroft pottery vases and a stunning collection of coloured studio glass from a local house clearance. Other ceramics include a good selection of decorative china as well as vintage tea services, Royal Crown Derby Imari paperweights, rustic pottery and Majolica.
Furnishing items include a number of Persian carpets, mirrors, copper log baskets, sculptures, textiles, posters etc. Auctions are a great place for people with an eye for interiors to pick up some amazing items to add eye catching interest to your home.
Smiths fully illustrated catalogue will be available online from the 7th of February with a chance for a closer look during viewing on the 11th & 12th of February 10am-5pm and on the morning of the sales 9am to 10am. Entries of good quality antiques and collectable are invited for future sales by appointment. For further information please telephone 01531 821776 or visit