A NEW oral history project, Voices of the Wye, has been launched, dedicated to preserving the unique stories of those who have lived and worked on the river.

Herefordshire Museum Service is undergoing a transformation, broadening the types and range of exhibits to create a more engaging and inclusive experience for visitors, including Voices of the Wye.

With a focus on telling local stories through innovative exhibitions that highlight significant historical events as well as celebrate the everyday lives and achievements of local people, the museum service aims to deepen the connection between the community and its rich heritage.

The River Wye has been a vital part of the region’s history for centuries, from its use as a transport route during Roman times to its role in the industrial and cultural landscape of the region.

The Voices of the Wye project will collect and preserve the narratives of those who have worked along the river, providing insights into their daily lives and professional experiences.

The project will document the experiences of the river's ghillies, bailiffs, and other professions before their invaluable stories are lost to time.

This project will enable a significant gap to be filled in the museum collections, offering future generations a vivid narrative of the River Wye's cultural and ecological legacy.

However, the museum service is looking for an experienced oral historian to lead this important project.

For further information email [email protected].