There was a very high turnout for the first Open Meeting of 2025 at Bridges on March 12 when the Society welcomed a very talented, young demonstrator Julie Sparkes from Gloucestershire with her theme “Colour My World”.

1. PINK - Julie’s first arrangement was based on a grey and pink vase topped with a dish and a half block of oasis. The vertical line was achieved with sprayed sticks and the base was covered with leaves of arum pictalicum, seneccio. To this she added bright pink hyacinths, pale pink hyacinths, pink tulips and dark pink heather. She had also prepared a second matching vase.

2. GREEN & WHITE - A hula hoop sprayed green with a random grid of wire formed the base of her second display. At the bottom of the hoop was a tray filled with fibre floral blocks. There is a lot of debate about non plastic arrangement blocks but Agrowool is not yet 100% satisfactory as it is only 20% effective in being compostable. It is formed of granite and wool; is very difficult to insert stems vertically without a stick although it does work better horizontally. When to wet the block is another debatable point. A base of fatsia leaves, stapled phormium stems, pittosporum was completed with white chincherinchee, white phalenopsis, hellebore foetidus, cryptomania japonica and small green baubles glued onto skewers completed the arrangement.

3. RED & ORANGE - The base of this was a large rectangular black board supported on the short edge. A hook was placed in the centre on which was hung a small shovel. The strong vertical shape was achieved with phormium leaves curled at the top. Stems of rosemary, seneccio formed the base and red bouvardia, leucodendrons, gloriosa lilies and orange freesia completed this very striking design.

4. WHITE & YELLOW - Two rectangular boards supported on the long edge were placed one above the other. Onto the boards were secured glass tubes by way of cable ties. Daffodil bulbs were secured straight onto the boards and the tubes were filled with stems of creamy yellow stocks, red tulips, red and yellow two tone tulips, acacia mimosa, witch hazel and kangaroo paw completed the very original design.

Julie talked about being asked to join the Gloucestershire team working in Westminster Abbey for the Coronation of King Charles. They were given the highly important position of the High Altar and this was an unforgettable honour.

5. PURPLE & PINK - An MDF box covered with sheets of tiny glass tiles formed the base of a traditional triangular design. Pittosporum sprays, large hebe stems and tall eleagnus stems gave the shape to which were added dark blue Canterbury Bells, cerise gerberas, purple tulips and finished off with purple glitter sticks. Julie admitted to liking purple.

The Chair Tineke Deuss invited Jacky Alcock to give a Vote of Thanks after which all the arrangements were raffled and everyone enjoyed tea and home made cake.

The next Open Meeting will be held at Bridges on April 9th when Arnaud Metairie will demonstrate Floral Fantasy. Doors open 1.45 and all visitors are welcome.