The two twinning associations representing Waldbronn and Carbonne met at the Royal Oak on Friday March 10 for a friendly skittles match.

Players were divided into two teams, however, as there are joint members in both associations some members had to decide what camp they were in. It was great fun when these joint members were about to play, the friendly hissing and comments by the opposition were enjoyed by all.

It turned out to be a very close match, the rules were loosely applied and Carbonne ran out winners all going down to the last couple of players. A big thanks to Charlie and Maddy as well as Waldbronn secretary David Evans who worked tirelessly removing and replacing the skittles throughout the evening.

A big thank you also to a stalwart of the Waldbronn association David Hill who marked the scoreboard to ensure fair play.

The overall winner on the night was a joint member Paul Macer-Wright with the highest score. Dave Andrews newly elected Chairperson for the Waldbronn Twinning hosted the event and even played for Carbonne to ensure there were equal number of players in each team.