In the world of theatre, people often say "Break a leg" on the run up to a performance, but it seems producer, Sam Densham, took it a tad bit too literally this year...and just 11 days before opening night! Thankfully, she is surrounded by a wonderful cast (pun intended!) and crew; who are well into rehearsals for Spontaneous Production’s lastest tale, 'Robin Hood & the Babes in the Wood' - coming to the Savoy Theatre in Monmouth this Christmas!
But, while we're on the topic of legs and casts...where does this saying actually come from? Well, a theatre leg isn't actually attached to a human (or any other animal for that matter!). Legs are pieces of cloth that hang down on the sides of the stage. To "break a leg" means to get the opportunity to walk past these theatre legs and end up on the stage itself.
Historically speaking, if an actor stayed behind the leg line they wouldn't get paid, so this expression was to wish them a chance to perform and get paid. Thankfully, in modern times understudies do get paid for their time, but the sentiment still stands and no injuries are required.
Are you brave enough to fight against the Sheriff's latest evil scheme for even more power? Step back in time through the grand doors of the Monmouth Savoy and sign yourself up as a new recruit with Robin's Merry People; delving right into the medieval - and somewhat spooky - world of Sherwood Forest.
Family shows run from 13th December to 2nd January. Plus the popular BSL-interpreted, relaxed performance will return on Wednesday 18th December. Or, if you fancy a cheeky night without the kids, there are three adult shows to choose from on 14th, 19th and 28th December. Tickets are available from the Savoy Theatre Box Office on 01600 772467 or visit