Youngsters have been praised for creating poetry and artwork for a competition run by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales.

The theme for their work was the environment and a poem by Year Two pupil of Trellech Primary School, Danny Kersley, entitled “Not a Wonderful World” won first place in the Year One and Two age group.

The organisers, Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales (CPRW), held a prize-giving ceremony at the Bridges Centre, Monmouth for the primary school winners of the annual schools painting and poetry competition on July 4.

CPRW team up with Keep Wales Tidy, an environmental charity which manages the Eco-Schools Programme in Wales run by Bryony Bromley.

Committee member, Richard Mitchley said: “The schools painting and poetry competition was set up by Monmouth CPRW some 20 years ago now to try and get children excited about our wonderful Monmouthshire countryside.

‘‘We had to cancel last year’s competition due to covid so it’s nice to be back this year!”

First place for the Year One and Two age groups for poetry was Danny Kersley from Trellech, Jacob Rees also from Trellech had second place, third place was Lola Horne from The Dell and runner up was Ceira Price from Llandogo.

In the Year Three and Four age group, first place went to Lily Jacques from Overmonnow, second place was Zofia Taylor from The Dell, third place was Antonia Ionescu from Overmonnow and Karla Garnham from Llandogo was runner up.

In the poetry competition winners for Year Five and Six were first place Haf Parry from Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni, second place went to Dougie Wallwork from The Dell, third place was awarded to James Fletcher from Goytre Fawr and Jasmine Woodman from The Dell got runner up.

“We didn’t have as many poetry entries this year as in some years, but what we lacked in quantity we made up for in quality,” Richard said.

The artwork competition was also split into three age groups.

Frist place for the artwork in the Year One and Two age group was awarded to Lowenna Holtam from Trellech, second place was Oscar Randall from The Dell, Dylan Dawe, also from The Dell got third place and Zara Adshead from Llandogo was awarded runner up.

In the Year Three and Four age group, all of the children awarded prizes were from The Dell primary school. First place went to Isabella Luciani-Smith, second place was Darcie Teague, Third place was Dilys Thompson and runner up was given to Jasper Woodhouse.

Again, all winners in the Year Five and Six category for artwork were from The Dell. Lily Morgan got first place, second place went to Jasmine Woodman and third place was Lillianna Forest Brown.

The Artwork prizes were donated by Pauline Griffiths who founded both the Abergavenny Art Shop and the Gallery and Café at the Old Baptist Church below Abergavenny Market.

Richard said: “We’re extremely grateful for her generosity.”

Between five and eight primary schools get involved in the competition each year with Goytre Fawr entering almost every year.

Six primary schools participated in this year’s theme, ‘Birds eye view of 2030’ by entering either artwork or a poem.

“We chose this 2030 because, according to the International Panel for Climate Change, that’s the deadline for taking the steps needed to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“This is a deadline I fear may already be beyond us, in which case we must prepare for some major changes to our environment.

“If both government and ordinary people really start to make serious changes now, it’s not impossible that our environment might actually improve,” Richard explained.

Dr Alison Neal from Abergavenny attended the ceremony to present the prizes to the children as she works closely with art students.

“I am delighted to be asked to present the prizes but if you didn’t win a prize don’t stop.

‘‘Don’t let anyone tell you you’re no good because we imagine and we make,” she said.

Richard said: “We were looking for originality above all else.

‘‘We just want to teach primary school children about the environment.”

Primary school winners of CPRW awards
First, second, third and runners up for the poetry award. (Lauren Meredith)