Osbaston Church in Wales Primary in Monmouth had some very special visitors to their school Tuesday, September 27, when Paramedic Phil Pearce and Technician Mary Pardington brought an ambulance onto the premises.

Foundation Phase pupils were in for a real treat as Phil turned on the sirens and flashing lights. Mary explained that the idea was to show the pupils what an ambulance is like inside and make it less daunting if they ever need to go for a ‘ride’ in one.

The children came out in groups of six and were lifted up into the back of the ambulance on the tail lift - a treat in itself.

They were shown some of the equipment that Phil would use, backed up by Mary, when treating a patient.

Then it was time to try on the helmets and the hi-vis jackets worn during an emergency.

Phil told the pupils that they have to wear the helmets when on a call and he said that on one dark night, when he was out in a field looking in a car, a cow stuck its nose in his face.

“It was all wet, it made me jump!,” he said, bringing howls of laughter from the children.

Rosie, aged five, was especially looking forward to the visit as it was a chance to see where her grandfather ‘Babba Phil’ works.

And she thought the best part was lying on the bed!

Catherine Jones, headteacher of the school said that it was such a lovely opportunity: “After two years of Covid, they’ve been back at school for a year and for them to get this hands-on experience is amazing”.