COMMENTING on initial findings from Sue Gray’s inquiry into lockdown socialising in government buildings, Monmouth MP David Davies said: “I welcome the report. It makes clear that some of these events should not have been allowed to take place and others developed in a way that should not have happened. There is now an ongoing police investigation into this, which I hope will conclude shortly.

“The report identifies that No 10 Downing Street is basically a large government department and needs to be organised as such. I welcome this and also welcome the need to put in place clear rules about alcohol in public buildings.

“The report points out that the Downing Street garden was being used throughout the pandemic for work purposes by officials who were trying to keep outside as it was safer.

“There will be a need for action against anyone who is found by the police to have broken the rules. There will also need to be much greater clarity over who Downing Street and Cabinet officials answer to.

“There is no suggestion here that Boris Johnson has lied, or misled the country or the House of Commons in any way. He retains my fullest confidence as Prime Minister and I hope we are now able to let the police do their job while the UK Government concentrates on the cost of living, the economic situation and the Ukraine crisis.”