This could be the most unpredictable general election we’ve seen for many years.  While the opinion polls point to a Labour landslide, you only need dig down a little into polling data or spend some time knocking on doors and listening to the views of real voters, that millions of voters have yet to decide how to cast their vote.

 The 2019-24 UK Conservative Government has had an extraordinary series of crises to contend with, including a global pandemic not seen since 1918, war in Europe and an escalation in tensions between the west and several rogue states.  All of these contributed to the rise of inflation and the pressure this put on household incomes.  Of course, there were several self-inflicted problems within the Conservative Party, but since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister, he has brought inflation under control, is cutting people’s taxes, protecting pensions and his plan is clearly working.

 Our Conservative team will be out supporting our colleague David TC Davies over the next month.  The trait I’ve always admired most in politics is hard work.  David has worked tirelessly for this county and has campaigned to protect local NHS services, fought for investment in transport links and opposed anything that he thinks would harm his constituents.  He’s not someone for towing party lines and over the years has been quite outspoken, but he’s won respect for that.  The last thing we want as an MP is someone who keeps their head down when difficult issues are being discussed like the Labour candidate does on Monmouthshire County Council.

 Our council team has worked closely with David over the years and he’s always put his constituency role first.  Recently, he’s been campaigning against some poor decisions which had implications for local residents – like the Council’s own transport plan, which recommended reinstating the Severn Bridge tolls.  He’s fought the Welsh Government over its business rates which are higher than in England, meaning a more challenging environment for businesses in our market towns.

 The Labour strategy seems to be to keep quiet on key issues, particularly those where the Labour-run Welsh Government has responsibility.  This seems such a disservice to the public.  I would strongly urge residents that if you do have your door knocked, ask questions and be sure that the candidate you support actually has a plan beyond meaningless slogans like ‘time for change’.  So I hope residents, however they’ve voted in the past, will consider supporting David so he can continue the work he’s been doing for our county.