Work on the second stage of the replacement of the ageing Victorian water pipe in Monmouth is due to restart next month and will see the pinch point closed at some time.

The six-week schedule will see a one-way system in place from Blestium Street up to the Hereford Road traffic lights.

The work is due to re-start on 5th January at Monnow Bridge crossing to the Robin Hood pub where 3-way traffic lights will be in operation.

After that, the work will continue to replace the water pipe up Monnow Street, working towards the junction with Nailer’s Lane. This should be completed by the end of March.

Welsh Water will work in sections through the town centre, working as closely to the kerb edge as possible.

A one-way system will be put in place for motorists who will only be able to travel down from St John’s Street/ Monnow Street towards the public toilets on Monnow Street.

During this time, parking through the town centre will be restricted with designated bays in place for deliveries and disabled access.

Public footpaths will be open for the duration of the work.

From the first week of January, the contractors will also be completing sections of work along Dixton Road towards the A40 main road at night-time between 8pm and 6am for two weeks.

From January until the middle of March, a second team will be working their way from the junction of Wyebridge Street/ Almshouse Street to the junction of Glendower Street/ Agincourt Square. Multi-way traffic lights will be in place and parking will be restricted in these areas. Dates are yet to be agreed for work in Agincourt Street and St Johns Street.

There will be space to allow for deliveries on Monnow Street as the works will be completed in sections, the whole of Monnow Street will not be closed off, although traders may have to collect or have their deliveries ‘walked’ to their premises. There will be no access during the working day to Castle Hill whilst the work is taking place there. Outside of Welsh Water’s working hours (7:30am-5pm) there will be access..

Sherren McCabe-Finlayson, of Monmouth Chamber of Commerce said: “Monmouth Chamber of Commerce understands the necessity of the work Dwr Cymru, Welsh Water, will be undertaking throughout the town. But we are naturally concerned about the loss of on-street parking and the implementation of a one-way system while operations are carried out. We know it will be difficult during 2024 but we appeal to everyone to continue enjoying Monmouth, shop local and support our businesses during any impact on our town centre".,