On a typically dark and miserable November night, it was a delight to get together once again in St James' Community Hall Wyesham for the WI meeting.

President Daphne Evans welcomed everyone and reminded us about the forthcoming Christmas lunch, to be held in January as usual at the Orepool Inn. It was regretted that the skittles evening in October had been postponed due to the uncertainties over the Wye Bridge closures.

However, we could now look forward to our December meeting when we'll be entertained by the Raglan Hand Bell ringers and every member was assigned an item of food to bring along to make the evening a memorable end to the year. Daphne reminded everyone to bring a bit of cash because the usual evening raffle would be an extra special Christmas hamper.There was no speaker for this evening, but three members, Jane Laurie, Judith Rossiter and Pam Nettleship instructed members on how to make lovely Christmas decorations. In keeping with the "reuse, recycle" theme and not adding to landfill or buying plastic, the ladies used old scraps of material, wool or old paperback books to produce delightful angels, mini-wreaths and hats for the tree or around the house. It was a fun evening, enjoyed by all with a costless decoration to take home and new skills learned!Wyesham WI meets every second Monday of the month at 7pm in St James' Community Hall. New members always welcomed.