PLANS to replace the crumbling unused ambulance station on Rockfield Road could see a new station by as early as next year.

The building was closed over 13 years ago for health and safety reasons and the paramedics and first responders have been working out of a portable cabin since then.

However, conditions have not been ideal and the cabin itself has been declared unfit for purpose as the cabin leaks and water pipes will freeze in winter.

Cllr Richard John (Mitchel Try and Trellech), Leader of the Conservatives at Monmouthshire Council, Cllr Jane Lucas and Monmouth Town Councillor Martin Newell understand that plans are moving at pace for a new station, which may involve demolishing the existing building to build a new single-storey station as opposed to refurbishing the mothballed building.

Papers presented to the Ambulance Service’s Board on September 26 show £500,000 earmarked in 2024-25 largely for design and developmental costs of the Monmouth project, with most of the build costs expected to be in the financial year 25-26.

The Board was informed on July 12 that discussions regarding ‘a collaborative solution’ of a joint emergency services hub together with South Wales Fire & Rescue Services and Gwent Police were aborted because costs were ‘likely to be unachievable within current budgets’.

According to the papers, the Ambulance Service’s Project Board has already signed off on early designs for the station, while discussions regarding the planning permission process are ongoing.

Calls to renew the station have grown louder in recent years, especially following the decision to downgrade the ambulance presence in Monmouth by removing the rapid response vehicle, leaving the station with just one ambulance.

Cllr John said, “It’s an absolute disgrace that our paramedics are based in a freezing cold portacabin. The lifesaving work they do is incredible and the very least they deserve is a station that’s fit for purpose.”

Cllr Jane Lucas added, “Monmouth residents have been waiting years for this news, although it’s a shame that budgets don’t seem to allow a modern emergency services hub shared between the ambulance, fire and police services.”

Town Cllr Martin Newell added, “Albeit overdue, this is a really exciting development for Monmouth and I hope it will deliver the modern facilities our paramedics deserve.”