A MONMOUTHSHIRE primary school was one of the regional finalists in a race for the line competition taking place on Army and RAF bases across the country last week.
The competition aims to bring inspiring global projects like Bloodhound SSC project into the classroom.
25 pupils from Cross Ash School competed against eight other schools to make a mono rocket car at the headquarters of the RMRE (MON) at Monmouth Castle last Friday 28th April with the help of the Bloodhound Project and their sponsors.
The Bloodhound SSC Project is the £60m 135,000 bhp jet and rocket powered car that designers hope will break the 1,000mph barrier and set a new world land speed record in South Africa later this year.
Designed and constructed in the UK, Bloodhound SSC includes components from international companies and will make its record attempt in South Africa.
The schools spent the morning making they entries from materials provided by the Bloodhound team, and in the afternoon they watched a rocket charge propel their creations at speeds up to 40mph across a timed finishing line.
Cross Ash school came third in the primary school competition.