Monmouthshire County Council is making significant progress in securing Heritage Lottery Funding to enhance the museum galleries and educational offerings at the Shire Hall in Monmouth.

This initiative aims to establish these features as a defining aspect of the historic town, attracting visitors from the local area and beyond.

Initial plans to reshape the internal and external spaces of the Shire Hall have been consulted upon and will be considered by the Planning Committee of the County Council.

If the proposals confirm Heritage Lottery Funding, other local services may relocate to the Shire Hall alongside the new museum, galleries and learning facilities.

As a preliminary step in this consideration, current library users are asked if they see merit in moving the service back to the Shire Hall, where it was previously located.

Monmouthshire County Council Cabinet Member Equalities and Engagement, Cllr Angela Sandles, says: "The significant investment in the Shire Hall is an ambitious investment in the future of Monmouth which will bring enormous benefits to local people and local businesses as we attract new visitors to the town.

I have no proposal to change the library service in Monmouth. Preliminary consideration is being given to the potential option of bringing the library and hub service into the town centre at some future date, and we are currently asking library users for their views.

If the Heritage Lottery Funding is confirmed, I want everyone in Monmouth to be involved in any consideration to bring other services back into the town centre. A Placemaking Plan for Monmouth is currently being developed, involving the Town Council, the Chamber of Commerce, elected members and other local organisations. Let us work together so that any future public consultation is based on plans produced within the town."