A short service was held to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings at the war memorial in St James's Square in Monmouth.

Veterans, the town’s mayor and his consort, town councillors and former town councillors and mayors along with members of the Rotal British legion gathered to mark the solemn occasion with the sounding of the last post, a two minutes silence with both theKohima Epitaph and the active Remembrance being said.

Wreaths were laid by Tommy Griffiths, Vice Chair of the Monmouth branch of the Royal British Legion and Sherrin McCabe-Finlayson, president of the Chamber of Commerce. 

Standard Bearers Tony Martin for the Royal Naval Association Ian Donald for the Royal Engineers Association and Caroline Wright for the Royal British Legion for present.

Monmouth's present and former mayors attended
(Des Pugh)

The service was opened by the Reverend Jonathan Greaves of Monmouth Baptist Chapel with a Prayer and a short speech by Mr Griffiths spoke of the sacrifice that a generation of men laid down 80 years ago. 

Former servicemen gather to pay their respects
(Des Pugh)

“We remember and pay tribute to those who thought so bravely 80 years ago,” he said.

“But particularly those that made the Ultimate sacrifice and did not come back We will forever remember them,” he added 

“We will remember them”.

Following the service, all were invited back to the Royal British Legion club for tea and cake and ‘other’ refreshments