A METHODIST minister who likes high-thrills like zip-lining came within two seconds of taking the jackpot on ITV quiz show The Chase.

US-born Rachel Frank from Chepstow made it through her encounter with Chaser Darragh ‘The Menace’ Ennis a week last Monday (September 26) with £4,000 to add to her team’s £10,000 pot, despite slipping up on a question about ancient Roman priests.

“If I’d have gone out on the Pontiff…” she joked, to which host Bradley Walsh replied: “Yes, you would never have lived that down.”

That made a total of £14,000 to play for in the final Chase with her two surviving team-mates Aaron and David.

But after Darragh slipped up on four questions and was knocked back by the team’s correct answers on three, he put together a run of 10 correct answers in 46 seconds to deny then by a fraction.

Rachel told Bradley before facing Darragh one-to-one: “I’m originally from near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, but I live in Chepstow now.”

And wearing her clerical collar and asked what she does for a living, she smiled: “You can guess, I’m a Methodist minister… (I’ve been one for) seven years or so.

“I was a pre-school teacher in the States before this.”

Quizzed on her interests, Rachel told the quizmaster: “I like to do high-thrill stuff like zip lining, and I want to do skydiving some day.

“And I’m very musical, I like listening to music, singing.”

Asked what she would dow with any money she won, she said: “Me and my husband just bought a house, so most of it would go to referbing that… I might buy a (Pittsburgh) Steelers ticket at Wembley Stadium… they play there every so often.”

Before facing Darragh, the Chaser joked that she couldn’t have his money, because she more than most should know “Thou Shalt Not Steal”.

And Bradley then asked before she took him on for £4,000: “Are you a gambling gal?”, to which Rachel replied: “You would think, but we’ll see.”

She then faced questions on biology, fabrics, the Roman Empire, Star Trek, Antarctica, psychology, chess and darts, winning through to swell the pot to £14,000.

Darragh then slipped up on questions about astronomy, the opening of a burger chain, pop music and the M4 motorway to leave him with 10 questions to answer and only 48 seconds to play with.

But he made it with a lick to spare, denying them the jackpot on the final question about Ben & Jerry ice cream.

Bradley said: “Four attempts to push back, three executed, caught with only two seconds remaining… a valiant attempt, a great show.”

One viewer posted: “Edge of the seat final in The Chase… Great stuff!”

And another said: “That was close! 2 seconds-almost down to the wire… bravo!”

You can watch the full show on the ITV Hub at www.itv.com/hub/the-chase/1a7842a1976