Monmouthshire Housing Association (MHA) are the first Welsh and Celtic organisation to be awarded the Housing Quality Network (HQN) accreditation for its income service.

The accreditation is awarded to organisations who meet or exceed good practice standards and reflects the best-in class service to its customers.

To achieve this award we undertook a challenging scrutiny process designed to recognise and reward those organisations which maximise their own and importantly their customers’ income, particularly important in the current economic climate.

Gill Stead HQN’s Accreditation Lead said “Partnership working, both internal and external is well developed, appears effective and is supporting the delivery of positive outcomes for customers. This includes partnership support for people with mental health issues”.

“There is a strong, focussed and effective approach to supporting customers and ensuring that successful tenancies are maintained. Zero evictions reflect the ethos of tenancy sustainment”.

MHA’s income team bring a specialism and expertise to income management. By working with tenants and other agencies, and utilising technology such as Rentsense the team are better able to support people to remain in their homes.

The rice in price of essentials such as food and heating impacts those in poverty most acutely and correlates with a sharp increase in the use of Foodbanks across Wales.

MHA’s income risk map and neighbourhood profiling has enabled a more intelligence-led approach, enabling a more targeted support service for those tenants most in need.

Sian Nicholas, Head of Neighbourhoods said: “We are delighted to receive this recognition for the work we do across the organisation and with partners to support tenants to sustain their tenancies.

‘‘With the cost-of-living crisis and everyone feeling the impact it is even more important than ever that we are working with partners to understand what we can do to inform and help tenants to navigate the range of support that is available to manage household outgoings.

‘‘We are proud that this accreditation celebrates our approach to going that extra mile to create and foster sustainable tenancies”.

The accreditation covers a three year period, with an interim assessment at the 18 month point.