The chair of the Gateway to Wales Action Group (GTWAG), has identified some serious flaws in the latest Revised Local Development Plan (RLDP) produced by Monmouthshire County Council and has sent a report to the council.

David Cummings said the report identifies errors in the number of jobs to be created, public transport issues and the type and number of houses to be built. GTWAG also raises doubts that the proposed solutions to reducing the housing waiting list and achieving demographic change in the county are unachievable. Cllr Paul Griffiths has asked David to call a public meeting for 12th June at the Priory Rooms at 7pm to give a response to the report. Amongst other issues GTWAG is concerned about is that the proposal in the RLDP to build currently 270-290 houses off Dixton Road - which might be increased to as many as 430 - will have huge adverse consequences for traffic flows at Dixton Roundabout, the environment, sewage treatment, rain water run-off and much more. The land off Dixton Road, is the preferred site in the revised plan for homes in Monmouth, despite the A40 roundabout already seeing significant traffic hold ups at busy times, and the site being just yards from the 1500-pupil Monmouth Comprehensive School.

At a recent town council planning meeting, Cllr Brehany gave a summary of the recent meeting she and other councillors had attended which aimed to open the floor for residents to ask questions about the LDP proposal for 270 new homes to be built on land north of Dixton roundabout in Osbaston Ward.

At that meeting, concerns were raised regarding the potential for increased traffic and therefore pollution to the area, particularly near schools. This highlighted a real need for greater road infrastructure alongside the proposed houses.

Questions were asked about how already overcrowded schools and GP surgeries would manage with the increase in population this development would bring. If you would like to attend the meeting, please email David at [email protected] to reserve a place. In order for you to make the most of the meeting he will email you a small amount of background information to read prior to your attendance.