MONMOUTH’S second medieval festival was another success with events happening all over town as well as the main event, the medieval campsite, on Vauxhall.

A medieval tourney
(Des Pugh)

Monmouth Town Council thanked the volunteers from the Bridges Centre Volunteering for Wellbeing group, brilliantly coordinated by Marianne Piper, Monlife volunteers who ably guided visitors around the Monnow Bridge gatehouse (including Rob Mason, Grahame Thomas, Dave and Yvonne Scaysbrook), Will Davies of Cadw for the fantastic expert tours of Monmouth Castle and the reenactor groups from the Freemen of Gwent, Free Company of Aquitaine, the Time Travelling Medicine Man and Contrarius who demonstrated and explained medieval swordplay.

The weekend included a falconry display, this was a Black Barn Owl
(Des Pugh)

Thanks were also made to Dilly Boase and Laura McCartney for their hard work on programme design, signage and more, as well as to Monmouthshire County Council for providing the venue and to the hard working officers of Monmouth Town Council for their efforts behind the scenes in bringing the event together.

Councillors volunteering their time both before and at the event included Mike James as chief steward, deputy Mayor Jackie Atkin (organising and volunteering at the event), Mayor David Evans and Cllr. Steve Garratt.

Showing the type of armour used in battle
(Des Pugh)
How an arrow gets its feathers
(Des Pugh)
Hearing all about the weopans used
(Des Pugh)
The chance to try to draw a warbow
(Des Pugh)
Tours of the castle keep normally closed to the public
(Des Pugh)
Hearing about the history of Newport's medieval shop and how coins were stamped
(Des Pugh)

Cllr Martin Sweeney thanked the sponsors for the event “including H2o cleaning kindly donated towards the event, Forest Adventure lent (and both put up and took down) a marquee for the duration of the event, Dwr Cymru provided a cash donation towards the event and we were also granted funds from the Access Improvement Fund (levelling up money) to make the event more accessible.

This supported the provision of a portable changing places toilet at Vauxhall Fields.”