ARCHITECT James Griffiths has taken a bold leap to support a cause close to his heart.

Usk-based James, from Griffiths Design Limited, embarked on his first-ever parachute jump, raising over £3,000 for Mind Monmouthshire, the local mental health charity.

Reflecting on his exhilarating experience, James shared, “I have never done anything like this before. Waiting for the parachute to open and descending quickly seemed to take ages; it was very nerve-wracking!”

James Mind at Monmouthshire
James descending for charity (Picture: supplied) (Picture: supplied)

Despite the anxiety, his commitment and unwavering support from his friends and family to supporting mental health drove him to complete the jump successfully. The funds raised will go directly to Mind Monmouthshire, part of Mind in Gwent, an organisation dedicated to providing mental health services and support to the local community.

“Any one of us can experience mental health issues,” James emphasised. “Mind Monmouthshire does fantastic work in the area, and being able to support them means so much to me.”

James Griffiths
James with his family members just before the parachute jump. Pictured with Natasha Woodington and Finley Griffiths. (Picture: supplied) (Picture: supplied)

Bernadette Kelly, Operations Manager at Mind Monmouthshire, expressed her gratitude for James's daring effort and the substantial donation. “Like all charities, we have seen rising costs and more people requiring our support. This donation is gratefully received from James and will enable us to provide more support to the people of Monmouthshire.”

Its not too late to donate!