If anyone has driven over Brockweir Bridge they will know that they have to run the gauntlet of the plethora of potholes which have been there for very many years. The vibration not only damages car suspension but reduces the life of the bridge,Despite the bridge being closed for painting several years ago the road  on the bridge was not resurfaced. The approach Welsh side was resurfaced around that time and provides a stark contrast to how the adjacent counties maintain their roads. It is somewhat ironic that Mark Harper’s election leaflet claims he has  secured £100 million to fix potholes, and that 50,000 potholes have  and 220 miles of roads have been resurfaced. Clearly the 100 metres of bridge are not in this! Anyone entering the Brockweir from the  relatively smooth roads on the Welsh side of the Wye Valley will find his claim is without substance. It’s as hollow as the potholes are deep. Where’s the money going? I can only assume that the rough ride is intentional, and is to prepare drivers for the condition the roads ahead or to provide traffic calming in place of Welsh 20 mph speed limits.

Paul Butler

Brockweir Common