Lift situation is farcical

I do so agree with the comments made on the Lift situation as expressed in this week’s Beacon. The situation is both farcical and serious and at times reminiscent of a Mr Bean comedy!

I speak from personal experience having twice been stuck in the lift and having to be rescued by the leisure staff led by Andrew for whom I have nothing but praise and indeed sympathy for what they have to cope with from members due to the inability of Monmouth Council to deal with the situation in a fit and proper manner.

I have a mobility problem coping with steep stairs as at the Centre and now forced to take one step at a time. I am not alone in this. In addition many members to my knowledge no longer attend the gym and some of the first floor facilities due to the need to use walking frames and other such aides, there is a history of continual failures in addition to the two major incidents.

As reported there is a shortfall in attendance to facilities on the first floor and in particular the treatment room next to the gym which on my daily visits is invariably empty!

In my experience in business if a supplier or contractor conducted themselves as appears to be the case at the gym I would seek a replacement on the basis the current contractor is in breach of an agreement to meet contractual obligations. Furthermore I would seek financial compensation for loss of revenue.

Monmouth Council seem oblivious to the responsibilities they have to residents and members. It is time to get tough and stop doing a soft shoe shuffle!

John French
