WHAT have the Romans ever done for us?

Well, apart from the sanitation, the roads, the public order and the wine (etc, etc) they brought us bridges and that is the subject of Monmouth History Society's next lecture, on Friday, January 17, at 7pm in the Priory.

Dr Mark Lewis, senior curator (Roman Archaeology) at the National Museum of Wales, is an old friend of the Society and he has recently been making new ones with his well-attended on-site events at the excavations of the Iron Age fort in the Buckholt (watch out for more public events this year).

A society spokesperson said “:He will be speaking about "Pontifex Maximus: Bridging the gap for the Roman World Wide Web", a subject on which he is highly qualified to speak, and we can be sure it will be a most engaging evening.

“He will be looking at Roman bridges and roads, and their legacies, focusing especially on south-east Wales.”