Malcolm Brinkworth introduced Bill Laws who gave a talk on the ‘Curious History of Vegetables’ to Gavenny Gardening Club.

Bill has written many books on the subject of vegetables.  He gave a very interesting talk about the history of vegetables, famous people’s involvement in them and Malcolm thanked him for this and his knowledge of the subject that was told with great humour. He gave a tip for gardeners to make their own fertiliser using comfrey.

The business meeting was then started after tea and biscuits.  The raffle was drawn and prizes given out and the competition winners announced - Flower of the month 1st Jane Thompson, 2nd. Margaret Reardon, 3rd. Peter Clarke, Three Vegetables 1st Tommy Davies, 2nd Maureen Braithwaite, 3rd Jane Thompson, Vegetable any medium 1st Margaret Reardon, 2nd Liz Barnes, 3rd Maureen Braithwaite.

The visit on July 7 to the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms, and visit to New Hope Day Lily Nursery had been very enjoyable, Malcolm thanked hazel for her hard work. Margaret Reardon invited members to visit her unusual garden on Saturday 21st in the afternoon. Malcolm informed members that Geoff Slater had passed away, he had been an excellent member of the club and treasurer for many years.

There will be a Jumble Sale on Saturday 15th October at The Community Hall in the Mardy, doors will open at 1.00pm, entry is free, refreshments will be available, a raffle will be held and there will be plenty of bargains.  There will be a visit on September 11th to an NGS garden Highfield Farm in Goitre, members will travel by car and entry is £10. The treasurer’s report was given.

On the 19th September Gordon Malt will talk about ‘Climbing and Wall plants’ starting at 7pm at the Mardy Community Hall, the competitions are 1. Flower of the month, 2. Silver Foliage Plant, 3. Picture of a climbing plant.

There will be a Harvest service at St Teilo’s Church on 2nd October at 3pm.  The Harvest lunch is at the Lamb and Flag on Tuesday October, 11th, 12.30 for 1pm, the AGM will take place in November and subscriptions will be £15 the Christmas lunch is on December 12 at the Monmouthshire Golf Club.

New members and visitors are always welcome to the meetings which usually take place on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm in the Community Hall in the Mardy.  The GGC have a variety of talks during the year, monthly competitions, usually an annual show in September, visits to interesting places, a Harvest service at St Teilo’s Church, a harvest and Christmas lunch and a chance to socialise with others over a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit.

Please contact Malcolm on 850115 for further information.