Smiths Auctions in Newent are inviting final entries to their forthcoming sale on March 27-28. The sale includes a wide range of antiques including furniture, ceramics, paintings and collectables as well as a special section for silver, gold and jewellery.

Entries have been arriving from all directions including Birmingham, Stroud, Chepstow, Wales and West Herefordshire. Smiths are proud that many vendors often travel long distances as they have been recommended by word of mouth or have simply enjoyed a long standing relationship with the auction rooms. One client who lives in Surrey now continues to bring items to sell at the saleroom when she is visiting friends locally and another pops in on his way when travelling from Eastbourne to Wales.

In particular Smiths enjoys a fantastic reputation for selling silver, jewellery and gold with several local dealers complaining that the large number of online and private buyers means that prices are often just too high for them to compete with. Smiths are now looking to further this reputation and offer an outstanding selection of both antique and modern jewellery for their March auction.

Entries so far include a large diamond ring with over two carats of diamonds estimated at £1,800 to £2,500 whilst a range of modern gold jewellery includes an attractive topaz pendant estimated at £300/£500. A regular client of Smiths who left a bag of costume jewellery for the valuers to assess was surprised to hear that several items were in fact ‘the real deal’.

An Edwardian diamond and enamel brooch (Smiths)

These included a diamond set Edwardian bow brooch estimated at £180/£250 and an Edward VII diamond set and enamel Royal Crest brooch estimated at £400/£600. Many customers are also amazed to discover how valuable their gold items can be with one woman just flabbergasted to find that two pairs of 15ct gold cufflinks were valued at £500/£700. Antique costume jewellery is also very ‘on trend’ at present and a beautiful French antique Bressan brooch made from enamel and paste is expected to attract strong bidding from collectors.

Bressan enamel brooch
Bressan enamel brooch (Smiths)

Other parts of the sale have also been filling up fast with the ceramics and glass shelves already crowded with a growing selection of attractive pieces. A large collection of Royal Worcester porcelain includes a range of floral vases and jugs as well as two rare hare form spill vases estimated at £200/£400. It is not surprising that these cute little figures are so desirable and they are certain to be snapped up by eager collectors and leave their estimate far behind.

Two Royal Worcester Hare Spill Vases
Two Royal Worcester Hare spill vases (Smiths)
Artic Explorer Action Man
Artic Explorer Action Man (Smiths)

The collectables section includes a fun collection of Action Man and Barbie dolls – in fantastic condition and complete with many sets of clothing these are expected to perform well on the day. A very desirable Sasha and her baby sister Cerie should also prove to be very desirable and are estimated at £150/£200 for the set. Other collectables include a 19th century French apprentice piece carved bed complete with original mattress estimated at £400/£600 whilst a WWII medal set including Palestine Bar is expected to make £100/£150.

Set of RAF WWII medals
Set of RAF WWII medals (Smiths)

Final entries for the sale are invited by appointment – please telephone 01531 821776 or visit for further information.