Following over a decade of lobbying by NFU Cymru, the union is inviting members in Monmouthshire to attend a meeting to discuss dairy contracts and the new legislation which is now in force.

At the meeting, which will take place on Thursday, October 3 at 11.30am at Graig Olway Farm, Usk, NP15 1NB by kind permission of Mr R Morgan, members will be able to find out what this new legislation means for their businesses and what support, including legal advice, NFU Cymru is offering its dairy farming members from guest speaker, NFU Cymru National Policy Adviser, Tori Morgan.

NFU Cymru Monmouthshire County Chair Emma Robinson said: “I really encourage all dairy farmers in Wales to come along to these meetings to find out more about what this legislation says, what it means to them and what support is on offer from NFU Cymru.

“All new milk contracts issued after July 9, 2024 must be compliant with the code and every existing contracts that is in place between farmers and their milk buyers must be brought into compliance by  July 9, 2025. This means your milk contract may need renegotiating and re-signing over the coming year, this NFU Cymru meeting will help arm you with the knowledge and support you need to navigate this process.

“The introduction of this legislation is a once in a generation opportunity to change the way the dairy supply chain operates. We have a fantastic dairy sector in Wales, one which produces high quality, nutritious and climate friendly milk. However, it is only by the whole supply chain working together in a fair and transparent way that we can make the most of the opportunity to put more Welsh milk in fridges across Wales, the UK and further afield.”

To register to attend this meeting please email [email protected] or call NFU Cymru on 01982 554200.