Thousands of people have already signed NFU Cymru’s Secure the Future of Welsh Food pledge and I am encouraging Tindle Newspapers readers to use a minute of their time to do the same.

This is a campaign that is important to everyone – whether you’ve no connection to agriculture whatsoever or your family has farmed for generations – because it concerns the future of food produced in this country. Whatever your taste preferences or dietary needs, we all need food and we all have a vested interest in the factors impacting its production.

There are already significant strains on global food supply chains, whether that’s due to the impacts of war, climate change or other factors. Welsh farmers are well placed to produce high quality, sustainable food, just as they have done for centuries, making a positive contribution to our domestic food security and when food production systems elsewhere are predicted to face greater challenges due to climate change impacts – to global food security,

Two weeks ago, I was fortunate to spend the day in the centre of Cardiff offering delicious Welsh food samples to passing shoppers. The hundreds of people we spoke to were unanimous in their support for Welsh food and the people who produce it. It is crucial that government recognises the unwavering public support for Welsh food production and ensures that these views are taken into account in the creation of future policy. These policies must support the Welsh food and drink industry – and the farmers who underpin it.

In order to ensure the appetite of the Welsh public is heard loud and clear, we need thousands more of you support our campaign. If you believe in the importance of high quality, healthy food produced with low food miles in harmony with the environment, please sign our pledge by searching the term ‘Secure Welsh Food’ and adding your name to our pledge. It takes less time to show your support than it does to read this column!

Wales is rightly proud of its food heritage. PGI Welsh Beef and PGI Welsh Lamb, our delicious cheeses, free range eggs, PGI Pembrokeshire Early potatoes, the humble Welsh leek, fruit from your local PYO farm, the crops that produce our bread or a glass of wholesome and nutritious Welsh milk. There is so much to enjoy and it has all been produced by a Welsh farm that, in turn, supports its local community. Please back our campaign and help us Secure the Future of Welsh Food.

Visit or follow the #SecureWelshFood #DiogeluBwydCymru on social media.