ANOTHER year means there’s another World Book Day across the community.

March 6 is the annual book day event, which is held in many schools across the world. It is a registered charity, and the local event promotes reading across children since 1998.

Some schools provide vouchers for the children which they can spend on books of their choice, and for most they are given the opportunity to dress up either as a word or a character from their favourite book.

The event gives a chance for children to talk about their favourite books and spend their time enjoying reading.

Here are some photos of this year's book day from children across the community celebrating the annual, fun event.

Ayran dressed up as Willy Wonka for World Book Day
Aryan dressed up as Willy Wonka for World Book Day (submitted )
Gethin dressed up for World Book Day
Gethin dressed up as Dumbledore for World Book Day (Submitted)
Nyla created a mystery book for World Book Day
Nyla- Rae created a mystery book for World Book Day (Submitted )
Freddie and Albie dressed up for World Book Day and had to dress up as a word which was neon.
Freddie and Albie dressed up for World Book Day as a word which was neon (Submitted )
Poppy dressed up for World Book Day
Poppy aged three dressed up for World Book Day (Submitted )